The Project


At the center of this project is the creation of videos that depict one’s own situation in the corona crisis. Each of these videos uses a picture/artwork that show fear (e.g. The Scream by E. Munch) or from the current art scene, such as Banksy, which deal directly with the corona crisis.

Guided tours of digital art museums will be undertaken, suitable works online will be shown and explained, and this accompanies the process of selection for the personal videos.

The videos are created in online workshops based on a tutorial. People with little digital literacy must not be excluded from educational formats of this kind. In a practical phase, we form learning groups with people from this target group, test the method from virtual art tours to the final editing of the videos and finally present the works in virtual storytelling cafés.

Digital storytelling is particularly suitable for getting people with low digital literacy interested in the possibilities of computers and smartphones, as it is low-threshold, playful, and creative. But what is crucial is that this method offers a format that allows people to deal with their own history, personality, and identity and learn to communicate this to others in an interesting way in the sense of storytelling. Art and creativity are among the most popular areas of general adult education. Especially art can be integrated very well into such a project, as works of art/pictures can be seen (although not always understood) immediately without further skills – in contrast to music, literature/language. We have deliberately chosen art as a theme for this project, as there were many interesting and creative examples of dealing with artworks creatively and digitally during the first lockdown period. This also gave the inspiration for this project.

Partners :

  • Vilniaus Dailes Akademia (Lithuania)
  • Active Citizens Partnership (Greece)
  • Socialna Akademia – Zavod Za Izobrazevanje, Raziskonanje in Kulturo (Slovenia)
  • Media Actie Kuregem Stad (Belgium)
  • Cofac Cooperativa de Formacao e Animacao Cultural CRL (Portugal)
  • Ineuropa SRL (Italy)

Other information

Start: March 2021

Duration : 24 Months


Funding : Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership for creativity

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